The lottery has a long history. It appears in biblical stories, Roman emperors used it to distribute land and slaves, and it is still the most popular form of gambling in most countries. But while the concept is ancient, state-sponsored lotteries are relatively new. Today 44 states and the District of Columbia run lotteries. The six that don’t are Alabama, Alaska, Hawaii, Mississippi, Utah, and Nevada. There are numerous reasons for this, but most relate to state government’s desire not to lose the revenue it gets from gambling.
A basic requirement for any lottery is some way to record who is placing stakes and the amount they’re betting. Then there needs to be a mechanism for pooling and shuffling all the tickets and then determining who will win. Almost all modern lotteries use computer technology to make this happen.
Another essential aspect is the size of the prizes. The cheapest tickets are often only a few dollars, so prize pools must be large enough to attract players and justify the expense of organizing and promoting the lottery. But a percentage of the total pool must be paid out in operating and advertising costs, so that leaves only a small portion available for prizes.
The main argument in favor of state lotteries is that they can be viewed as “painless” sources of revenue—that is, players voluntarily spend their money on a good cause without having to pay taxes on it. However, studies show that this logic is flawed. Lottery popularity is inversely related to the objective fiscal situation of state governments, so the argument is misleading.