Sbobet is a bookmaker with operations in Asia (Singapore) and Europe (Isle of Man). They offer competitive odds, a large selection of betting markets and a well-designed interface. The site is accessible from most countries and has a mobile website and WAP. They also offer live chat support in several languages.

SBOBet offers a good range of sports betting options, although they could do with adding more niche markets. Its online casino is also well presented and there’s a great choice of slots and table games to play. There’s a decent range of bonuses and promos too.

SBObet has a solid reputation and has never experienced any serious security breaches. Its licenses with the First Cagayan Leisure and Resort Corporation in the Philippines and the government of the Isle of Man are a strong indicator that they take their security seriously.

The betting console is well designed with the ability to automatically refresh odds and a feature that will accept higher odds for a selection if they appear. It also displays the minimum and maximum accepted stakes, which is a nice touch that avoids the disappointment of setting up a strategic bet only to discover that one or more of your selections are outside the limits.

In terms of the number of games available, SBOBET is a bit behind some of its rivals. However, it does have the advantage of having a very extensive selection of Asian handicaps. Their coverage of football is also solid.

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Cape Town, South Africa